Campus District Observer Transitioning to "In the Campus District" E-News

The Campus District Observer newspaper is making a transition after January to a digital format with our new e-news “In the Campus District” to be sent out bimonthly and supported by an online website home. You’ll find the same great stories about what’s happening in the district, the interesting people who live and work and go to school here, and events that you don’t want to miss.

The Campus District is grateful to our editor for the past year, Donna Dieball, and our graphic designer, Steve Thomas, for their great work. Donna is going back to school full-time and Steve, who does our beautiful layout, continues as a freelance graphic designer. You can contact him at

Stay on top of life in the Campus District and sign up to receive our e-news at . Be sure to let us know if you want to contribute a story or calendar item or advertise in it by emailing

Volume 4, Issue 1, Posted 10:35 AM, 12.31.2013