Become An Observer

The Campus District Observer exists in order to provide anyone who cares about the Campus District community of Cleveland, Ohio a means to share that concern with everyone in the neighborhood. If it concerns the Campus District we are here to help connect you to the rest of the community.
Submissions for publication-- All published Campus District Observer stories, letters to the editor, notices, and photos come from you! We never turn thoughtful and relevant Campus District-related submissions away.There are several ways you can participate using your specific interests and skills. All of the below should be submitted through our Member Center. You will be asked to give basic contact information to complete the registration process. After receiving email confirmation from us, you are in and we welcome you! This is where all the magic happens.
  • Submit Event to Calendar--By submitting your Campus District nonprofit or local business event notices to our Calendar it will be listed on our website Home page. (Items will appear once approved by our administration). Most nonprofit items also may be listed on our published current calendar. Calendar items can also be submitted from the Home page without logging in to the Member Center.
  • Submit New Story--Even if you think you don't have writing skills we are never amazed at how well-versed one becomes when writing about what they know and feel passionate about. Also to help you with your message, we have editors who go through every story before publishing to help for clarity and will contact you if needed. 
  • Photographers-- Catch a photo while you are out and about in Campus District. Pictures with a caption can tell a thousand words! Pictures are printed as room allows. We also appreciate photographers who have interest shooting different local events and occasions where we can add you to our list of photobloggers.
  • Other talents-- Illustrators or poets can also add a well-needed touch for our readers. Again, as long as it has Campus District revelance we welcome how you can best participate.
If you have any trouble or need further assistance you may call us at 216-712-7070 or email

We need you to get involved!
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